Consorzio 3 Zinnen Dolomites (hereinafter referred to as the “Consortium”), in compliance with and to the effects of the provisions of article 13 of EU Regulation number 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) related to the protection and to the circulation of natural persons’ personal data, intends to provide information on the treatment of personal data of Website users (hereinafter referred to as the “interested parties”) which might be communicated during navigation of this Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).
We would like to point out that this Privacy Policy Statement is only valid for the Website, and it does not apply to any other websites which may be accessed by users through a link (for these, please see their respective privacy statements/policies).

Navigation Data
In order for the Website to work, during their normal execution, information technology systems and software procedures need to acquire certain personal data related to Internet navigation. The transmission of said data is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. Such data are not gathered to be associated to identified interested parties, but, due to their own specific nature, and by means of elaborations and associations with data owned by third parties, they could allow the identification of users (these include, for example, IP addresses, URI - Uniform Resource Identifiers – addresses of requested resources, the time of request, and so on), as well as other parameters related to the users’ operational systems and the computer environments. Such data are exclusively used with the aim of checking the correct functioning of the Website and of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website. They are then erased immediately after elaboration. The Consortium has a legitimate interest in the aims for which data treatment (in the afore-mentioned limits) is required.

Data supplied voluntarily by the User
The user’s optional, explicit and voluntary decision to send an e-mail to the e-mail addresses indicated on the Website involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address, which is required in order to be able to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data indicated in the communication. Specific summarized privacy policy statements are also present or can be viewed in the Website sections connected to particular services on demand and, if required, with the request of acquisition of the interested party’s consent.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are short strings of text which websites send to the user’s browser (which is, the software used to navigate, such as, for example, Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer). Here they are memorized and then they are sent again to the same websites during subsequent visits. During navigation, users’ browsers can receive cookies sent by subjects other than the owner of the visited website (which is, by so-called “third parties“).
There are different kinds of cookies: Technical Cookies, which allow the execution of activities strictly related to Website functioning and which can be used freely; and Profiling Cookies, which are used to send advertisements which are in line with the preferences indicated by users during previous Website navigation, and for which user consent must be obtained.
Through this Website, users’ browsers can receive third party technical cookies and profiling cookies.

Technical Cookies
The Website uses the following technical cookies, both its own and belonging to third parties: Navigation Cookies - they are session cookies, used to memorise navigation preferences and to improve website navigation; Functionality Cookies – they are used to provide specific services on the Website; Analytical Cookies – they gather statistical information, in an anonymous and aggregated format, on users’ navigation modalities (such as, for example, the number of pages visited, the number of accesses, and the permanence on the Website: these are more specifically the Analytics installed by Google which, however, cannot access user identification data. For more information on how these cookies work, users can visit the following web pages: Google Analytics – Data Protection).
As was anticipated, the use of these cookies does not require the acquisition of user consent. Users can, however, decide to disable the use of these cookies on their browser (see infra ). In such cases, some features of the Website may not be available. Moreover, Google Analytics cookies can be specifically refused using the appropriate tool supplied by Google.

Third-party Profiling Cookies
When accessing the Website, users may also receive third-party profiling cookies on their browser, such as, for example, those which allow users to view advertisements based on previously-visited websites. For this reason, when users access the Website, a banner is viewed, which aims at informing users and at allowing them to give their consent to receive such cookies, by closing the banner or by clicking on any other element of the page which is external to the banner. The Consortium does not access the information gathered by this type of cookies, which are used autonomously by the afore-mentioned service providers. For more information on how data gathered with such cookies are used, users can read the privacy statement supplied by the specific service providers. In particular, the following is a list of third-party cookies used on the Website:
Retargeting Cookies
When you visit the Website, third party profiling cookies or similar tools (the so-called “retargeting tags”) might also be installed on your browser. More specifically, such tools are used:
(i) for the Google Remarketing and Adwords services, aimed at showing ads to users based on their previously-visited websites and at measuring the traffic generated on the Website after clicking on the ads. The Consortium does not have access to the information gathered by said cookies, which are used in full autonomy by the provider of said services. For more information on the use of this type of cookies, please visit the Google information page. Users can disable the use of these cookies by visiting the Ads Preferences Manager page;
(ii) for the “Facebook Pixel” services, which allow visits to the Website based on the ads published on Facebook to be counted. For example, this service allows Facebook to know when a user adheres to a particular campaign on our Website after viewing an ad on Facebook, and to supply aggregate and anonymous information to the Consortium aimed at understanding the return on investment for advertisement expenses. For more information, please see the Facebook Personal Data Treatment Policy. 

Users of the Website can disable the use of Google cookies on the “Google Ads” page, by setting the customisation preferences of advertisements here.
Furthermore, users can disable the use of third party cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative disable page and selecting the appropriate settings by clicking here.

Google Analytics 4 Cookies
We have activated Google Signals in Google Analytics. This updates the existing Google Analytics features to get aggregated and anonymised data from you if you have allowed personalised ads in your Google account.

What this is special about is the fact that it is cross-device tracking. This means that your data can be analysed across devices. By activating Google signals, data is collected and linked to the Google account.

In Google Analytics, Google signals also collect other visitor data such as location, search history, YouTube history and data about your actions on our website. This gives us better advertising reports from Google and more useful information about your interests and demographics. The reports help us to better assess your behaviour and interests.

This data expires by default after 26 months. Please note that this data collection only occurs if you have allowed personalised advertising in your Google Account. It is always aggregated and anonymous data and never data of individual persons. You can manage or delete this data in your Google Account.

Users can set their browsers to be warned in case of the presence of a cookie and users can decide whether they want to accept a specific cookie. Through the preferences in the browser, users can also eliminate previously-installed cookies. Should the users disable all cookies, the functioning of the Website might be compromised. Information on how to manage cookies from the browser is available here: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

The Consortium shall treat users’ data with the aim of facilitating navigation and of supplying the services required through the forms which were specifically designed and which are available on the Website. Aside from what was specified for navigation data and for cookies, in the framework of the sections of the Website dedicated to particular services on demand, users are free to supply their personal data for the aims indicated in the respective privacy statements. However, should data not be supplied, it will be impossible to provide the required service.


Personal data gathered through the use of the Website are treated for the time which is strictly necessary to supply the required services and to carry out the related technical and safety operations. Furthermore, afterwards, personal data are preserved for the time indicated by current laws for administrative, and, if required, for defensive aims.
For more detailed information, please see the privacy policy statement for the specific services.

Exclusively for the afore-mentioned aims, all gathered and elaborated data may be communicated to internally authorized persons for treatment of data on the basis of their respective job titles, as well as to third party subjects who may need to receive such data (such as, for example, information technology services companies, competent public subjects and authorities which may need such data to fulfil legal obligations or to ascertain responsibilities in case of information technology crimes against the Website). Should such recipients treat data on behalf of the Consortium, they will be designated as Data Processor by means of a required contract or other type of agreement.
For more detailed information, please see the privacy policy statement for the specific services.

Your personal data shall not be transferred to non-EU third countries.

Users have the right (please see articles 15 -22 of the GDPR) to request access to their personal data and to modify them, should there be a mistake; to erase them or to limit their treatment, if accepted by law; to obtain the portability of the data supplied, when they are treated in an electronic way on the basis of the consent or of a contract; as well as to oppose treatment of their data, for reasons connected to a particular situation, and in any case for direct marketing. Users also have the right to revoke their consent to data treatment, without prejudice to the legality of the treatment of data based on the consent given before its revocation. Users also have the right to present a claim to the competent authorities, the Data Protection Authority.
For more detailed information, please see the privacy policy statement for the specific services.


Consorzio 3 Zinnen Dolomites, having its legal headquarters in via Ombrosa 2F, e-mail address:, is the Data Controller.
Last updated: May 2018.
The information contained herein may be modified. Users should regularly check this webpage and should always keep into consideration the most recent and updated version of the information provided here.

Privacy Policy for the use of Google Analytics

This offer uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on users' computers and which allow an analysis of the use of the website through them. The information generated by the cookie about the users’ usage of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.
However, in the case of the activation of the IP anonymisation on this website, the users‘ IP address will be previously abridged by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the US and abbreviated there. IP anonymization is activated on this website. On behalf of this website’s operator, Google will use this information to evaluate the usage of the website by the users to compile reports on the website activities and to provide other services related to the website usage and the internet usage towards the website operator.
Within Google Analytics the IP address provided by your browser will not be merged with other Google data. The users can prevent the storage of the cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software. However, this offer informs users that in this case, you may not be able to fully utilize all the functions of this website. In addition, users may prevent Google's processing of the data (including your IP address) generated by the cookie and the use of the website (including your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google by using the browser plug-in available under the following link Download and install:
Alternatively, you can deactivate Google's use of cookies by setting your browser software by visiting the page and pressing the "opt-out" button. You can also disable the use of third-party cookies by visiting the network advertising initiative's disable page at For more information about Google's policies, please visit
However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to fully utilize all the functions of this website. By using this website, you agree to the processing of your data by Google for the purposes discussed above.

Use of retargeting features on the site
To promote interest-based advertising with the help of "retargeting", this website uses so-called "retargeting tags". The "Retargeting tag" is a JavaScript element that is placed in the source code of the website. If a user visits a page on this site that contains a "retargeting tag," an online advertiser (e.g., Google) places a cookie on that user's computer, and assigns it to an appropriate retargeting audience list. This cookie also serves to make retargeting campaigns ("interest-related advertising") on other websites. Studies have shown that the inclusion of interest-based advertising is more interesting to the user than advertising that is not directly related to interests or previously visited websites.

Setting and deactivation options
Third parties, including Google, use these cookies to advertise based on a user’s prior visits of our website. Thereby, no personal data will be stored. Users of this site may disable the use of cookies by Google by calling the "Google Ads" page. Furthermore, users can disable the use of third-party cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative deactivation page and making the appropriate settings there.

  • Google Ad Preferences:
  • Settings and sign-off options for the "Network Advertising Initiative":

Privacy Policy for using the Facebook pixel
On our pages, we use the "Facebook Pixel" of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook"). When you visit our pages, the Facebook pixel creates a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. The collected data is anonymous, ie the personal data of individual users can not be viewed. Facebook will be informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. This allows Facebook to associate the visit of our pages with your user account. We can use this information to display Facebook ads or tracking features. We would like to point out that as a provider of the pages we are not aware of the content of the transmitted data as well as their further use by Facebook. For more information, see Facebook's Privacy Statement at
This consent may be declared only by users older than 13 years of age. If you are younger, we would suggest asking your parents for advice.
Revocation, modification, corrections and updates
On request, the user has the right to receive free of charge information about the personal data that has been stored about him. In addition, the user has the right to correct incorrect data, blockage and deletion of his personal data, as long as this is not opposed to statutory retention requirement.


Pursuant to Article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), we would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data that is carried out for the purpose of personnel selection and search by our company as controller of the processing.
The processing of the personal data that you have provided to us with your CV and that we have obtained during an interview or selection procedure, as well as by filling in the relevant questionnaire, is necessary for the evaluation of your application for possible employment or collaboration in our company, as well as for the pursuit of legitimate interests related to the performance of certain activities for internal organisational and administrative purposes by our company. Any special data provided by you may only be collected and processed by our company if this is necessary for the fulfilment of labour law obligations arising from the applicable regulations or collective agreements in connection with the selection and recruitment of personnel.
The transfer of your personal data, including your photos, is necessary for these purposes. In case of non-transmission, our company will not be able to consider your application and evaluate your professional profile.
If you provide us with special category personal data, we may only process it with your prior consent, which you may withdraw at any time, unless it is data whose collection and use is necessary to comply with legal obligations for the possible recruitment of an applicant (e.g. data on membership of protected categories).
For the above purposes, your data will be processed mainly in electronic form; these data may come to the knowledge of our competent bodies (e.g. Human Resources Department) and of the employees authorised to process them, and may be communicated to companies we trust to carry out recruitment and selection operations on our behalf as processors.
Our company will store your personal data for the entire duration of the personnel selection process and in any case for two years from the date of collection of your data.
The GDPR grants you the right to access and obtain a copy of your data at any time, to rectify and supplement it if it is incomplete or inaccurate, to delete it or restrict its processing if the conditions for doing so exist, to oppose its processing for specific reasons, to request the portability of the data provided if it is processed automatically on the basis of your consent or for the performance of the contract. You also have the right to withdraw your consent (where it has been requested), without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal. You may also contact the data protection authority, including by registered letter of a complaint, if you consider it necessary for the protection of your personal data and your rights.
For all questions related to the processing of your personal data, you can contact our company located at Schattenweg 2F, 39038 San Candido - Versciaco as data controller e-mail: or the DPO Kerschbaumer Dr. Stephan - IFK Consulting e-mail:

Collection and storage of personal data as well as the nature, purpose and use thereof
Video recording is carried out for the purpose of protecting company property, as well as the physical integrity of employees and users of the lifts, and is authorised by the Provincial Labour Inspectorate of Bolzano.
The personal data collected is stored for the legal period and then deleted, unless further processing is necessary to protect legitimate interests.

Transfer of data to third parties
Data will only be transmitted on the basis of the fulfilment of legal (Art. 6, Para. 1, lit. c) or contractual (Art. 6, Para. 1, lit. b) obligations. For the technical maintenance of the system as well as for the control of the recordings, your data may be forwarded to a service provider designated by us.

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