General Terms & Conditions OF sale 2025

1. The following General Terms and Conditions of Sales represent the contractual conditions governing the purchase and the use of the tickets issued by 3 Zinnen AG.

2. The 3 Zinnen AG acts in its own interest and is responsible for the management and operation of the respective lift system facilities and their connected services. These operators and the users are therefore the sole and exclusive contracting parties to the present agreement.

3. The ticket is a strictly personal document and may carry the name and surname, date of birth and/or a photo of its holder. The ticket may not be transferred, even free of charge, nor exchanged or altered. Its duration cannot be changed and it cannot be substituted.

4. The ticket 3 Zinnen Mountain Card Family is valid for 2 adults plus at least 2 children (8-15,99). Every other child or teenager is included in the price of the 3 Zinnen Mountain Card Family. To benefit from the Family tarif, the user must provide a valid identity card, that attests the same residence.

5. The ordinary summer season starts on 29.05.2025 and will end on 09.11.2025, save the possibility to postpone the opening date and/or anticipate the closing date due to the current energy crisis. Before the start date and after the end date of the ordinary summer season single lift systems, groups of lifts, or even major areas of lift facilities may be in operation. In such cases, the tickets, depending on their period of validity, will be accepted on the lifts in operation from 29.05.2025, until 09.11.2025. The tickets offered for sale will be accepted, in the respective period of validity, in accordance with possible limitations which may apply. The transport capacity of the lift system facilities and the access to the lift facilities will be regulated in accordance with the provisions set by the authorities. Users acknowledge that, in consideration of the situation on the energy market and the unpredictability of energy supply costs, the decision regarding the opening of the lifts takes place on a daily basis, autonomously and at the discretion of the individual lift operators. Users therefore expressly declare that they accept the risk of limitations regarding the lifts that can be used and of the daily variability of the lifts in operation, that they consider, in the light of the various types of cards available and their own personal needs, that the card type actually chosen is in any case advantageous, and consequently accept the exclusion of any form of reimbursement, rebalancing or indemnity in cases of limitation or total closure of the usable lifts, and in any case to renounce it.

6. In order to benefit from the special rates for Juniors (J) and Children/Kids (K), as well as for the purchase of the 3 Zinnen Mountain Card Family in accordance with the terms explained in the respective information leaflets, interested individuals must personally access the sales offices and provide valid ID’s (not replaceable by self-certification or similar procedures), attesting the possession of the requirements entitling to the provided discounts, in accordance with the indications contained in the price lists available at the sales offices or on the web site
In case of purchase of tickets for minors, the accompanying adult declares that he/she is aware of the civil liabilities related to the supervision of minors, also during their use of the lift system facilities, and acknowledges the provisions laid down in the code of conduct provided for by Law no. 363/2003 (and subsequent amendments and additions), as well as all others - inclusive of those issued by local authorities at a provincial or regional level - in order to regulate the subject matter in question. The use of lift system and skiing facilities by minors will occur under the exclusive liability, control and supervision of the adult companion.

7. Both cards entitle to the transport of persons from the bottom station to the top station and/or vice versa. Any additional activity performed by each individual user additionally to the use of the lift system facility (e.g., trekking, mountain biking, also in “parks” or similar facilities) is not covered by the contract and is performed exclusively at one’s own risk. The paths and routes are not property of and therefore not managed in any manner by the facility's owners or operators nor of the Dolomiti Superski Consortium, nor of the local Valley Consortia, hence they do not accept any responsibility for their care, control or maintenance. The Dolomiti Superski Consortium, and the local Valley Consortia, are not owners of any of the “parks” or similar structures and as such they are not responsible for their management or supervision, a responsibility which remains exclusively that of the operators appointed for the management of the above-mentioned structures and/or the owners themselves. It however remains the obligation of every user to strictly observe and respect the conditions for use (the facility user guidelines) displayed at the access station of every lift system facility.

8. Owners and operators of lift system facilities are not responsible or liable neither for damages arising from improper use of their facilities nor for the consequences of card holders’ incorrect and illicit behaviour performed during their attendance at the lift system facility, and its surrounding areas. Strict compliance is required with the Facility User Guidelines as on display at the point of departure of all facilities.

9. Upon request of both the staff operating the facilities as well as the control inspectors, tickets must be shown and the holder must consent his/her identification.

10. Cardholders acknowledge and accept that any improper or incorrect use of the abovementioned cards (e.g., its use by a different person than the owner of the non-transferable card) will lead to the immediate withdrawal, annulment or suspension of the card itself. The verification of the correct use of the cards can also take place remotely and at a different moment of the abuse itself, through a video surveillance system ("Gate Control Camera"), installed at some lifts for dissuasive purposes. The related privacy policy pursuant to regulation (EU) 2016/679 is also available at the lifts. Both the period cards and the points value cards may be withdrawn, annulled, or suspended by authorized staff or control personnel in case of any violation of provisions set by provincial or regional regulations or by statute law. In case of improper use of the period cards issued free of charge to children (K) born after January 1st, 2015, both the card issued free of charge as well as the coupled adult card will be blocked and/or withdrawn. Every improper use will be prosecuted according to law and through any legal action or proceeding deemed necessary or proper for ascertaining the infringer's criminal (e.g., for fraud – art. 640 of the Italian penal code) and/or civil liability.

11. Each form of replacement or refund of period cards and/or points value cards will be excluded, except those cases who are expressively foreseen and ruled by art. 13. Cardholders acknowledge that no replacement will be made, and no right of refund or reimbursement will be recognized neither for e.g., cards being not used, even if only partially, nor for cards being lost, withdrawn, blocked, annulled, suspended or being deliberately damaged.

12. Tickets (with fix date or with open date) and points value cards, also those purchased online, are exclusively valid during the summer season of issuance. The purchase of period and points value cards is not subject to the right of withdrawal provided by the Consumer Protection Law (art. 47 and 59 Legislative Decree 206/2005). For some types of cards price reductions for online purchase are applied under certain conditions, which are described on the online shop. These reductions do not apply under any circumstances in case of purchase at the physical cash desks, not even in the case of malfunctioning of the website and the online shop. Dolomiti Superski, the Valley consortia and the lift operators do not assume any guarantee regarding the uninterrupted functioning of the online shop. Even if the ticket is purchased prior to the start of the period of validity, art. 11 applies, according to which the purchase price is never refundable, by way of example, not even in the event of non-use or only partial use, cancelled holidays, unforeseen commitments, illness, etc. In instances where some of the information provided by the applicant during the online purchase process should result incorrect - therefore requiring the issue of a new card - an amount of € 10.00 (ten) will be charged as administration fee for any pass issued in substitution.
Lost tickets, are eligible for replacement within their validity period. In order to prevent improper use by third parties, holders will have to access one of the central issuing points and apply for substitution by presenting a valid ID and the purchase attest. Replaced tickets will be valid right after the validation of the substitution request and the disablement of the lost card. an amount of € 10.00 (ten) will be charged as administration fee for any pass issued in substitution.

13. The ticket is an indispensable and irreplaceable transport document for the transportation of the card holder on the lift system facilities, as described in art.1. Tickets are never replaced nor refunded, except cases explicitly defined and regulated by conditions determined in arti. 12.
Only in case of hiking or biking accidents occurred on identified mountain bike tracks, by corresponding usage of the season tickets valid for the ongoing season, holders may receive a partial reimbursement of the price exclusively for their season card and unless they have a corresponding insurance cover. Partial reimbursement will be limited to the days following the day of reimbursement request and restitution of the season ticket. Applications for reimbursement are to be presented at the central sales offices within 15 days of the accident or, in case of hospitalization from discharge, together with the following documents:
• the season ticket itself.
• a copy of the medical certificate (issued by a doctor practicing - on a regular basis - in the Dolomiti Supersummer area, by a public local facility or by the hospital to which the patient was taken to), attesting that the one suffered was actually a hiking or mountain bike accident, preventing the patient from continuing any further practice of sports activities.
Individuals accompanying the injured holder are not entitled to apply for reimbursement.
The season tickets will be reimbursed by dividing the purchase price by 20 (being such figure based on the assumption that – according to ordinary habits - the card holders will be using the season ticket for 20 days), and by multiplying the average daily price obtained by the number of not used days, until reaching the maximum of the 20 days. Thus, season tickets already used for at least 20 days will not entitle their holders to apply for reimbursement. The number of days eligible for reimbursement is in any case limited to the days spendable before the season’s end, as defined by art. 5.

14. The ticket is an indispensable and irreplaceable transport document for the transportation of the card holder on the lift system facilities, as described in art.1. Tickets are never replaced nor refunded, except cases explicitly defined and regulated by conditions determined in arti. 12.
The ticket, being a transport document necessary to access the lift system facilities, serve the function of a tax receipt (Ministerial Decree of 30/06/1992 and subsequent amendments and additions) and must be retained for the entire duration of the lift system facilities’ use.

15. No guarantee is given that all lift system facilities will be open and in uninterrupted function nor that all attractions (p. e. Funbob) will be accessible and usable during the entire summer season, as defined in point no. 5 above. Facilities’ operation and slope’s use depend on factors beyond the control of their owners or operators, such as – for example – weather, security and safety conditions, lift facility failures or damages, energy blackouts, instructions or indications issued by authorities and other causes of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

16. The price of the as well as the amount of charged units may vary due to intervention by fiscal, monetary, economic or social authorities.

17. The user declares that he/she is proficient in cycling and that the bicycle is in technically perfect condition. In this context, the operator of the cable cars accepts no liability for any damage to persons, the environment or installations.

18. By purchasing and/or using the ticket, the document holder expressly acknowledges the content and entirely accepts the present General Sales Conditions, available at the points of sale and on the homepage.

19. Pass holders understand and accept that in case of contrast or differences between the present English version of the terms and conditions and their Italian text, the latter has to be considered as the prevailing and as the only binding one.

20. These terms and conditions as well as the provisions of the transportation agreement are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of Italy. Ticket holders also acknowledge and accept that all disputes potentially arising with respect to the validity and the execution of the transportation agreement and with respect to the present terms and conditions will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bolzano/Bozen.